Monday, November 9, 2015

Article Recap: Finding Your Natural Audience

I came across this interesting article focusing on event planners finding their "natural audience." Take a look at the link below and read my reaction!

Here's my reaction:
            Most people in the business world focus on appealing to a target audience. A target audience is an intended group in which something is performed or marketed. It is exactly what it sounds like; it targets a specific audience in order to sell a definitive product or idea. When it comes to a field such as event planning, I don't find a target audience to be very useful. 
           Unless you specialize in one explicit type of planning, event planning is a relatively broad field. By having a target clientele, you're limiting your business. For example, only addressing brides as potential clients limits your experience in the field as well as your company name. Having a natural audience gives event planners the ability to connect with people who need their help for a specific event, and become their clients resource for all of their needs and desires. It's better to establish strong relationships with a few clients who may need your expertise several times a year, rather than having a client who uses your services once. Another benefit of establishing a strong foundation of clientele is that it'll help make your company known. Reliable, recurring customers will use your services several times a year, making their guests wonder who is behind the event, which in turn expands your business. Having a dependable clientele basis with strong connections is imperative when establishing your name in the event planning industry. The most important thing to remember about event planning is that's it's all about who you know!

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