Monday, February 29, 2016

Event Planners: Idealists or Realists?

People love to give themselves a title. It's like our name brand–it's what we're known for. Political parties, religious views, and even relationships all have titles because society craves a name. Idealists and realists are two distinct titles society has given to the two different ways of thinking and creating.

Idealists are people who are guided more by fantasies than actual practical considerations. They see the glass half full, are very optimistic, and are perfectionists. They don't dwell on the past but rather look deep into the future. They're cheerful, kind-spirited, and see the world as it should be. Two famous idealists are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Realists, on the other hand, accept the world as it currently is and deals with it accordingly. Realists see the big picture, they're clear-headed, and non-judgemental. They see both sides to every situation, and can sort out the lies from the truth. They pay attention to their surroundings, and are very up-to-date with the latest trends, but never look beyond the present. Two famous realists are Jennifer Aniston and Abraham Lincoln.

So, what title do event planners receive in this tug-of-war between idealists and realists? I think event planners fall somewhere in the middle. While event planners do portray idealist-type traits, such as optimism and perfection, they are slightly realists as well. Realists are much better at negotiating and are level-headed, two key characteristics of event planners. I guess event planners are the best of both worlds! Finding balance between idealist and realist-type qualities create a thriving event planner.

Are you more of an idealist or a realist? Maybe you've never thought about it, or maybe you think you need to change to be more like one over the other. Either way, both are essential for being an event planner!

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